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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Interview with Rasheed AlOdah-Managing Director, KSA, South UAE,Bahrain and Levant


Interview with Rasheed AlOdah

Managing Director, KSA, South UAE,Bahrain and Levant

MEA Service Director at Trend Micro

Tell us about your participation at GITEX.

 Trend Micro has been actively participating in GITEX for the past five years. As you are undoubtedly aware, genetic code protection is essential for various reasons, with cybersecurity being one of the most critical aspects. Our participation serves to raise awareness of cybersecurity, given the current global threat landscape. From financial cybercrimes to various emerging attack vectors that are prevalent in the region, we find it imperative to address these challenges.

Mr.Rasheed AlOdah-Managing Director, KSA, South UAE,Bahrain and Levant

One particularly noteworthy achievement is that we have successfully detected and blocked approximately 475 million cyberattacks, with around 39 million of them occurring right here in the UAE. So, when you ask about our purpose in participating, it's about creating awareness among all stakeholders, from those involved at the network level to those dealing with surface-level threats.

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, it's clear that artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role. Our participation today underscores the importance of equipping individuals with the right awareness to navigate this ever-changing environment successfully. We are committed to ensuring that people are well-prepared as we venture into this new era of cybersecurity.


What is your outlook for the security industry in the coming months?


In the upcoming months, with the geopolitical tensions we are currently witnessing, I anticipate a surge in regional attacks and global threats. These attacks may target not only the national level but also extend to enterprises and businesses across various sectors. The threat landscape encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from critical infrastructure such as hospitals to small shops and other facets of daily life, ultimately reaching government institutions. These threats can vary in severity, from sensitive to critical. We are currently in a high-alert state, and our top priority is to ensure that we are in close collaboration with our customers. Our aim is to provide them with the necessary safeguards to make them immune to these threats and to ensure that they are well-prepared to defend against them.


What are some of the key security threats that enterprises in the Middle East should prepare for in advance?


When discussing the threat landscape, it's evident that certain elements remain consistent with the past. The primary threat actor, accounting for over 90% of attacks, continues to be business email compromise. This issue persists as a significant concern. Another critical aspect is sector-specific cybersecurity. For instance, safeguarding national critical infrastructure is paramount, particularly when considering utility companies, power generation firms, and water supply companies. These sectors are consistently and heavily targeted. Additionally, we must address the intersection of cybersecurity and finance. The rise of cryptocurrencies has brought new challenges, including issues related to money laundering. All these facets intersect in today's threat landscape.

One notable strength of Trend Micro is our collaboration with Interpol. We actively participate in Interpol's customer inquiry system, which has led to several high-profile hacker apprehensions. You may occasionally come across news announcements highlighting the successful capture of highly ranked hackers in association with Trend Micro.

How do you see the growth of security solutions in 2024,can you share some approximate figures?

When it comes to discussing growth, I can share that we've seen significant percentage increases, ranging from 10% to 15%. However, when we incorporate artificial intelligence into the equation, the impact is truly remarkable. I anticipate a growth rate of approximately 24% to 25% for businesses. This projection is based on the current landscape, which presents a blend of challenges and opportunities in the region. Challenges arise due to our region's status as a prime target worldwide, given its high economic significance, large population, and diverse industries. It's only natural that we attract attention. Furthermore, the region's commitment to adopting cutting-edge technology and substantial investment capabilities amplifies the potential returns. This dynamic presents both challenges and tremendous growth opportunities, making it a complex yet immensely promising landscape.


Your plans for the coming months and 2024?


I believe that in the next three months, the landscape will undergo a transformation with the integration of generative artificial intelligence. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate AI into our user experience. We are working on solutions like Trend Cloud One, Trend Vision One SOCaaS, and other such offerings. These solutions are now being infused with artificial intelligence to enhance customer efficiency, save time, and bolster preparedness.By leveraging AI, we aim to boost predictability, making our customers more resilient and better equipped to confront advanced threats. While Trend Micro is traditionally known for its product offerings, we are expanding into comprehensive services. This means that we not only provide customers with cutting-edge technology but also support them on a micro-level, offering process optimization, consultation, and guidance to ensure their businesses prosper.



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