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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

3,000 individuals embraced Islam during the first half of 2024


The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai, represented by the Mohammed bin Rashid Center for Islamic Culture, has announced impressive statistics for the first half of 2024. Over 3,000 residents and visitors embraced Islam, reflecting a significant growth in interest in the religion and the efforts made to introduce individuals to its teachings.

In this context, Dr. Omar Mohammed Al-Khateeb, Executive Director of the Islamic Affairs Sector, stated: “The embrace of Islam by over 3,000 individuals signifies the success of our efforts in promoting the message of tolerance and understanding that our noble religion conveys. These figures are not mere statistics; they represent a genuine transformation in people’s lives and their desire to adopt values of peace and love.”

He added: “At the Mohammed bin Rashid Center for Islamic Culture, we are committed to providing full support to all new converts through comprehensive educational programs designed to offer a deep and thorough understanding of Islam. We are also dedicated to facilitating their adaptation and integration into the community by providing the necessary resources and guidance.”

He also noted that the center continues to implement a range of initiatives and events aimed at enhancing religious awareness and fostering positive engagement with the community. Additionally, it provides support and guidance to individuals interested in learning more about Islam.

This approach aligns with Dubai’s vision to promote values of tolerance and cultural diversity and reflects the emirate’s ongoing efforts to build a diverse and interconnected community.

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